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For updates about classes, events & 1-1 yoga therapy please visit

Daisy Durrant is a Yoga Therapist and qualified Birth Worker

who helps people who are seeking support for their physical and mental health

feel powerful and skilled in self-management

through simple but in-depth therapy.

Yoga Therapy

Daisy offers both 1-1 and group yoga therapy. Yoga Therapy is accesible to all and uses a holistic approach to support your whole self while focusing on a specific area of your wellbeing.

Menstrual Health Mentoring

This 9-week program is offered on a 1-1 basis. Providing a blend of education, yoga therapy tools to support your symptoms and a chance to share your experience. Daisy will guide you through all you need to know about Menstrual Cycle Awareness and how you can implement it to see changes in your everyday life.

Classes, Circles & Workshops

Daisy runs in-person and online events throughout the year. Ranging from singing workshops, Yoga classes and women’s circles there’s something for everyone.

Is Yoga Therapy For You?

Yoga Therapy is accessible for all. You don’t need to have any prior experience. We begin wherever you are.

You may have one area you wish to focus on during your sessions or you may have several. We’ll develop an ongoing dialogue to ensure that your practise is ever changing to support you fully. As a yoga therapist, no matter what is present for you when we meet, the approach is to offer a holistic therapy suitable for you as a whole.
