
  • 'I have loved feeling more calm and rested.'

    I have attended many of Daisy’s classes, 1:1 yoga therapy, menstrual health, and restorative classes.

    In yoga therapy, Daisy always made a safe space for me to chat about what was present for me and created practises for my specific needs. Daisy regularly checked what my goals were for therapy to make sure I was getting the best help possible.

    I love Daisy’s restorative class, she shared a variety of techniques from movement to breath to yoga nidras. The Women’s Circle encouraged me to share openly and the Mentorship taught me so much about the menstrual cycle that I didn’t know before.

    I have loved feeling more calm and rested. I love that I have learnt so many techniques to help me in the future when I need them. I would recommend Daisy to everyone. She offers a variety of classes, so there is always something for everyone!

    • M.B, Yoga Therapy Client, Restorative Yoga Student & Women’s Circle Attendee

  • 'I always feel better in myself after one of Daisy’s yoga sessions!'

    I’m not always confident about joining group exercise classes but I find Daisy’s classes really welcoming.

    She’s encouraging, kind and supportive. I always feel better in myself after one of Daisy’s yoga sessions!

    • Jayne, Yoga Student

  • ' I felt welcomed as I was.'

    The autumn equinox circle was a nourishing, calm and magical space. Daisy helped us hold and build a community in a kind and clear way… thankyou!

    I learnt and breathed and felt welcomed as I was. See you at the next one!

    • J.P, Women’s Circle Attendee

  • 'Daisy's guidance makes my mind, body and soul feel good. '

    Daisy communicates so well - gentle and firm, friendly, professional and precise. Daisy teaches in a way that makes it accessible for everyone.

    I really look forward to my grounding yoga sessions with Daisy. She has a calming presence and her guidance makes my mind, body and soul feel good.

    • Miranda, Yoga Student

  • 'I have never felt so relaxed and supported in a yoga class.'

    Daisy’s classes are wonderful, especially her restorative yoga sessions which are truly amazing. She is very adept at creating a safe, supportive and inclusive space to work in. As a student, I felt both my physical and spiritual comfort was her priority.

    Her voice is calm, soothing and clear. Adjustments are made subtly with the lightest of touches.

    I have never felt so deeply relaxed and supported in a yoga class. I have no hesitation in recommending her as a first-class yoga teacher

    • Lisa, Restorative Yoga Student

  • 'The Workshop was glorious!'

    Through the Taizé workshop, Daisy had us singing in four-part harmony with joyful ease. The group was well-held, with just the right mix of reverence and joy.

    I’ve loved taize chants for a long time and I’ve been hoping for a repeat workshop for ages. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves singing.

    • Gaynor, Taizé Workshop Attendee

  • 'Daisy‘s yoga therapy has built strength in my leg which I hadn’t recovered since the break happened. '

    After an accident several years ago which left my ankle and leg broken, Daisy‘s yoga therapy has built strength in my leg which I hadn’t recovered since the break happened.

    She also boosted my confidence in practising yoga and grew my self-awareness of posture, relaxation and breathing technique.

    • Luke, Yoga Therapy Client

  • 'Daisy puts the focus on her pupils getting what they need individually'

    I really enjoyed the classes we did with Daisy under the blue sky and sunshine ( well, mostly sunshine!).

    Her style of teaching is very collaborative and enables anyone to get a lot from the class. She is great at helping you feel in touch with seasonality and the natural world which, for me, is becoming a more important part of my yoga journey. Her warm and relaxed teaching style makes her classes welcoming and puts the focus on her pupils getting what they need individually.

    When we took an American visitor and new yoga fan along he said it was the best experience of his whole holiday!

    If you are nervous about starting yoga or a seasoned yogi looking to expand and deepen your practice Daisy definitely has something to share with you on that journey.

    • Jaki, Yoga Student

  • 'At the end of every class you will feel a sense of relaxation and peace.'

    I love Daisy’s dedication and knowledge about yoga. At the end of every class you will feel a sense of relaxation and peace.

    • Ben, Yoga Student

  • 'Relaxing and thought-provoking. '

    I really enjoyed the women's circle, it was relaxing and thought-provoking.

    • F, Women’s Circle Attendee

  • 'Daisy is a very friendly and engaging teacher.'

    Daisy is a very friendly and engaging teacher. Her classes are always thoroughly planned and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of ability.

    • Olivia, Yoga Student